You are able to fill the installed dispenser with chicken eggs in order to add chickens to the upper chamber.It also enables you to keep chickens in the lower chamber in order to use for food. It has a more effective dual-chamber coop design coming along with the possibility of automatic-gathering drops from the chickens in the upper chamber.It is definitely an essential place for your chicken to come back home.This structure is primarily similar to the warehouse, however, the top floor is equipped with many more things such as anvils, enchanting tables, and brewing stands.There will be many materials essential for the crafting recipe but it will be valuable. This structure will consist of every of your storage and vanilla machine need.It consists of different styles to experience such as basic style, ranch style, hobbit style, desert style, snowy style, and Sub-Aquatic Style, which is a great choice for players who want to start in an ocean environment.At the moment, Alternate Player Housing has been already integrated and available for selecting from the similar Starter House pattern.It is a perfect choice for those who really want to take instantly jumpstart on their survival games.Now you are able to have tools, shelter, and food in only one convenient fast begin package. Have you ever feel tired and boring when you have to take your first or two days to attempt to lock down the basics of survival? Don’t worry, this handy small item requests you to offer only one thing that is a specific location.

The mod consists of these following current structures:

All you need to do is only select the place you want to place it and the rest will be overtaken by the Prefab Blueprints. Moreover, the preview function enables you to view the structure in the Minecraft game world as well as move to its projection in real-time. Specifically, instant houses and structures allow you not to waste time for terraforming.

You are able to directly take this collection of unique buildings from the crafting table and then immediately put them into your world.