With the attachments in place, you also have the option of turning this piece of construction machinery into a sheepsfoot roller. The Ingersoll-Rand SD122DX roller is a vibratory roller. Ĩ4'' Single Drum Ingersoll-Rand SD122DX Vibratory Roller for sale Motor Graders for Sale. Ingersoll Rand Dd24 Vibratory Drum Roller Specs ingersoll rand rollers eBay April 5th, 2019 - 4 Ingersoll Rand Rollers 47757 44 NEW See more like this Ingersoll Rand Single Drum Vibratory Roller 13333471 See more like this INGERSOLL RAND DD22 DD24 DD32 ROLLER COMPACTOR Service Diagram Decal IR Volvo Brand. Zadoon, LLC - Website Arnold, MDIngersoll Rand Dd24 Vibratory Drum Roller Specs. 24 2008 Ingersoll Rand DD158HF,-Orops with Canopy -84 Double Drum Vibratory Roller -Operator Station -34,000lb operating weight -185HP engine -Videos ava. 2017 AMMANN ASC170 D Smooth Drum Vibratory Roller. INGERSOLL-RAND DD90 Tandem Vibratory Roller. 2006 INGERSOLL-RAND SD122DX Vibratory Roller. 2003 INGERSOLL-RAND SD70D Vibratory Roller. Dd34 ManualFind Ingersoll Rand DD34HF Vibratory Smooth Drum Roller for Sale.